Arizona Genetics Core


RII Core Facility Pilot Grants - Feb 5, 2025 deadline

Date of publication

Description: The RII Core Facilities Pilot Program is designed to support three key types of activity within the RII-managed core facilities. Each CFPP proposal will be evaluated on scientific merit and feasibility, and should focus on one or more of the following activity types:

  1. The development of new methods or techniques that would extend the standard operating procedures and capabilities of RII-managed core facilities and potentially impact multiple UA researchers. Successful projects will result in new methods or techniques which will be disseminated to the UA research community via the core’s website, and be incorporated into the core’s standard operating procedures and capabilities.
  2. The acquisition of preliminary data needed for extramural proposals. Successful projects will result in at least one new extramural research proposal. PIs must note the specific extramural funding opportunity announcement for which they plan to submit and their anticipated submission date along with their CFPP application. A full justification of the anticipated studies is required.
  3. The technical training of students conducting research under existing extramural funding. Successful projects will result in student researchers with the technical skills to operate equipment safely, efficiently and independently within the core facility(ies). PIs should note the student(s) to be trained, the core(s) in which they will be trained, the equipment on which they are to be trained, and the funding source under which the student’s research project is funded. Proposals to train students from traditionally marginalized groups will be given funding priority.

Due date: February 5, 2025 at 5pm
To apply, see UA Cultivate

RII Core Facility Pilot Grants - November 6, 2024 deadline

Date of publication

Description: The RII Core Facilities Pilot Program is designed to support three key types of activity within the RII-managed core facilities. Each CFPP proposal will be evaluated on scientific merit and feasibility, and should focus on one or more of the following activity types:

  1. The development of new methods or techniques that would extend the standard operating procedures and capabilities of RII-managed core facilities and potentially impact multiple UA researchers. Successful projects will result in new methods or techniques which will be disseminated to the UA research community via the core’s website, and be incorporated into the core’s standard operating procedures and capabilities.
  2. The acquisition of preliminary data needed for extramural proposals. Successful projects will result in at least one new extramural research proposal. PIs must note the specific extramural funding opportunity announcement for which they plan to submit and their anticipated submission date along with their CFPP application. A full justification of the anticipated studies is required.
  3. The technical training of students conducting research under existing extramural funding. Successful projects will result in student researchers with the technical skills to operate equipment safely, efficiently and independently within the core facility(ies). PIs should note the student(s) to be trained, the core(s) in which they will be trained, the equipment on which they are to be trained, and the funding source under which the student’s research project is funded. Proposals to train students from traditionally marginalized groups will be given funding priority.

Due date: November 6, 2024 at 5pm

UA Cultivate link:

University of Arizona AVITI Grant Program

Date of publication

The AVITI Grant Program is an opportunity for you to push your research further and faster with free sequencing from Element Biosciences and the University of Arizona Genetics Core.

In 250 words or fewer, tell us how you will shift your science with a grant of sequencing services that includes:

1 free Element flow cell enabling up to 1 billion 2x150 reads (2x150 high) or 300 million 2x300 reads (2x300 high)
Arizona Genetics Core will provide Library prep and labor as part of the grant award at no charge to the grant awardee

Application window: September 12th to October 11th, 2024. Awardees will be selected and notified by October 25, 2024
Up to 4 grants will be selected as winners from all submissions.
Apply Here: 

image of AVITI system on colored background
Related Facility

Element AVITI Sequencing

The Arizona Genetics Core now offers High Throughput sequencing using the Element AVITI System. Supported applications include DNASeq, RNAseq, targeted gene sequencing, Metagenomics (16S/custom), small genome sequencing, amplicon sequencing and other NGS pipelines.

General Information

Sample Input

DNA or RNA from a variety of sample types can be run on the AVITI System including cells, tissue, and blood. We also offer DNA or RNA extraction for library prep.

Applications include:

  • Small Genome Sequencing (Shotgun/de novo)
  • Metagenome Analysis (16S/custom)
  • CHiPseq
  • miRNA profiling
  • Cancer Genomics (RUO)
  • RNASeq (transcriptome sequencing/expression analysis)
  • Single Cell sequencing
  • Other supported and custom protocols (please inquire)

Flexible Outputs

The Element AVITI offers several flow cell read lengths and sequencing outputs to ensure the best fit for your project needs. Our core can help you select the best flow cell for your project. 

Data is now returned via Cyverse. This platform offers storage and data analysis tools.

Register for an account once your sequencing order is complete.

Data delivered is Fastq format  

Additional data analysis is available on request. 

Sequencing Chemistry: The AVITI Stystem uses Avidity base chemistry (ABC).  The fundamentals of ABC technology leverage the unique properties of avidites to execute an efficient sequencing reaction and yield highly accurate data. A strong signal-to-noise ratio that persists through high polony densities drives this accuracy. When a run starts, the library hybridizes to surface primers coating the flow cell. Amplification polymerase then binds to the library and primer duplexes, catalyzing rolling circle amplification (RCA) and generating long DNA strands that include copies of the original library ). Each strand forms a polony that contains hundreds of copies of the original library. The polonies hybridize to read-specific sequencing primers.  For each cycle, a sequencing polymerase binds an avidite to a polony and primer duplex, and traps a base-specific avidite to the polony. The result forms an extremely tight complex that enables a 100-fold reduction in reagent concentration compared to sequencing-by-synthesis (SBS). 

AVITI and ABC reset expectations on quality scores (Q scores), delivering exceptional Q30 accuracy for 2 x 150 sequencing at > 90% and > 85% for 2 x 300 sequencing. AVITI demonstrated higher accuracy compared to legacy sequencing technology. Data shows fewer soft-clipped reads in difficult homopolymer and repeat regions.

*Note: Per Element recommendations we cannot run libraries that are more than 6 months old. Therefore, your library material will be disposed of 6 months after they are built in accordance with our SOPs.

Data Analysis: Supplementary data analysis will incur additional labor rates. Please contact Arizona Genetics Core to discuss further data analyis needs.

Turnaround Time

Average turnaround time will vary depending upon application and sample input. Average data turnaround time for most NGS projects is approximately 4-8 weeks. The Arizona Genetics Core operates on a first come, first serve entry into sample queue.

Additional Information

If there is a specific application you are interested using the Element AVITI System but do not see listed here, please contact us to see if we can accommodate your needs.

University Customers: We are located in Keating Building Rm 106. Samples may be left in the freezer at the north entrance to our lab. Samples should be clearly labeled with your iLab Service ID. 

External Customers: Samples should be shipped pre-frozen and preferably on dry ice (although regular ice packs work well enough for overnight shipping). Sample tubes should be sealed with parafilm.

Shipping Address:
Arizona Genetics Core
1657 E. Helen Street
Keating Building, Rm 106
Tucson, AZ 85721


Element AVITI System

Element AVITI

Introducing the Element AVITI™ Sequencing System

The Element AVITI System reimagines the core components of NGS to offer a benchtop platform that grants access to the genomics ecosystem. Delivering flexible throughput at exceptionally low cost, AVITI saves time and resources without the need to batch or accept lesser quality. Avidity base chemistry (ABC) forms the core of a disruptive design that readily adapts to any application, offering methods that scale from amplicon to whole genomes.

Element AVITI System

New technology introduction - AZ Genetics Core (Sept 7, 2024)

Date of publication

Come learn about the newest technology that we've added to the Arizona Genetics Core facility.

During this lunch and learn event, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Learn about the new Element AVITI sequencer available to support research on campus, offering the highest on-market accuracy with lowered costs
  • Engage with experts from AZGC and Element Biosciences to discuss projects and applications
  • Gain insights into future capabilities of AVITI24, a system capable of delivering multiomic insights including RNA, Proteins, and cell morphology at a single-cell level

Location: Keating/BIO5 building 1657 e Helen St, Room 103
Date: Thursday, September 12th
Time: 12:00-1:30PM
Registration in advance is requested:


  • What’s New at Arizona Genetics Core, Barbara Fransway, Manager, Genomic Research Services, Arizona Genetics Core
  • Novel Developments in NGS, Unlocking Further Insights with AVITI, Spence Fast, M.Sc., Applications Technical Specialist, Element Biosciences
  • AVITI Data in Action- scRNASeq cross-platform data review, Martin Deymier, PhD, Single Cell Service Lead, Arizona Genetics Core


Related Facility

RII Core Facility Pilot Grants - August 2, 2024 deadline

Date of publication

Description: The RII Core Facilities Pilot Program is designed to support three key types of activity within the RII-managed core facilities. Each CFPP proposal will be evaluated on scientific merit and feasibility, and should focus on one or more of the following activity types:

  1. The development of new methods or techniques that would extend the standard operating procedures and capabilities of RII-managed core facilities and potentially impact multiple UA researchers. Successful projects will result in new methods or techniques which will be disseminated to the UA research community via the core’s website, and be incorporated into the core’s standard operating procedures and capabilities.
  2. The acquisition of preliminary data needed for extramural proposals. Successful projects will result in at least one new extramural research proposal. PIs must note the specific extramural funding opportunity announcement for which they plan to submit and their anticipated submission date along with their CFPP application. A full justification of the anticipated studies is required.
  3. The technical training of students conducting research under existing extramural funding. Successful projects will result in student researchers with the technical skills to operate equipment safely, efficiently and independently within the core facility(ies). PIs should note the student(s) to be trained, the core(s) in which they will be trained, the equipment on which they are to be trained, and the funding source under which the student’s research project is funded. Proposals to train students from traditionally marginalized groups will be given funding priority.

Due date: August 2, 2024 at 5pm

UA Cultivate link:

RII Core Facility Pilot Grants - May 1, 2024 deadline

Date of publication

Description: The RII Core Facilities Pilot Program is designed to support three key types of activity within the RII-managed core facilities. Each CFPP proposal will be evaluated on scientific merit and feasibility, and should focus on one or more of the following activity types:

  1. The development of new methods or techniques that would extend the standard operating procedures and capabilities of RII-managed core facilities and potentially impact multiple UA researchers. Successful projects will result in new methods or techniques which will be disseminated to the UA research community via the core’s website, and be incorporated into the core’s standard operating procedures and capabilities.
  2. The acquisition of preliminary data needed for extramural proposals. Successful projects will result in at least one new extramural research proposal. PIs must note the specific extramural funding opportunity announcement for which they plan to submit and their anticipated submission date along with their CFPP application. A full justification of the anticipated studies is required.
  3. The technical training of students conducting research under existing extramural funding. Successful projects will result in student researchers with the technical skills to operate equipment safely, efficiently and independently within the core facility(ies). PIs should note the student(s) to be trained, the core(s) in which they will be trained, the equipment on which they are to be trained, and the funding source under which the student’s research project is funded. Proposals to train students from traditionally marginalized groups will be given funding priority.

Due date: May 1, 2024 at 5pm
UA Cultivate link:

RII Core Facility Pilot Grants - Feb 7, 2024 deadline

Date of publication

Description: The RII Core Facilities Pilot Program is designed to support three key types of activity within the RII-managed core facilities. Each CFPP proposal will be evaluated on scientific merit and feasibility, and should focus on one or more of the following activity types:

  1. The development of new methods or techniques that would extend the standard operating procedures and capabilities of RII-managed core facilities and potentially impact multiple UA researchers. Successful projects will result in new methods or techniques which will be disseminated to the UA research community via the core’s website, and be incorporated into the core’s standard operating procedures and capabilities.
  2. The acquisition of preliminary data needed for extramural proposals. Successful projects will result in at least one new extramural research proposal. PIs must note the specific extramural funding opportunity announcement for which they plan to submit and their anticipated submission date along with their CFPP application. A full justification of the anticipated studies is required.
  3. The technical training of students conducting research under existing extramural funding. Successful projects will result in student researchers with the technical skills to operate equipment safely, efficiently and independently within the core facility(ies). PIs should note the student(s) to be trained, the core(s) in which they will be trained, the equipment on which they are to be trained, and the funding source under which the student’s research project is funded. Proposals to train students from traditionally marginalized groups will be given funding priority.

Due date: February 7, 2024 at 5pm
UA Cultivate link: