Analytical & Biological Mass Spectrometry Facility


RII Core Facility Pilot Grants - Feb 5, 2025 deadline

Date of publication

Description: The RII Core Facilities Pilot Program is designed to support three key types of activity within the RII-managed core facilities. Each CFPP proposal will be evaluated on scientific merit and feasibility, and should focus on one or more of the following activity types:

  1. The development of new methods or techniques that would extend the standard operating procedures and capabilities of RII-managed core facilities and potentially impact multiple UA researchers. Successful projects will result in new methods or techniques which will be disseminated to the UA research community via the core’s website, and be incorporated into the core’s standard operating procedures and capabilities.
  2. The acquisition of preliminary data needed for extramural proposals. Successful projects will result in at least one new extramural research proposal. PIs must note the specific extramural funding opportunity announcement for which they plan to submit and their anticipated submission date along with their CFPP application. A full justification of the anticipated studies is required.
  3. The technical training of students conducting research under existing extramural funding. Successful projects will result in student researchers with the technical skills to operate equipment safely, efficiently and independently within the core facility(ies). PIs should note the student(s) to be trained, the core(s) in which they will be trained, the equipment on which they are to be trained, and the funding source under which the student’s research project is funded. Proposals to train students from traditionally marginalized groups will be given funding priority.

Due date: February 5, 2025 at 5pm
To apply, see UA Cultivate

RII Core Facility Pilot Grants - November 6, 2024 deadline

Date of publication

Description: The RII Core Facilities Pilot Program is designed to support three key types of activity within the RII-managed core facilities. Each CFPP proposal will be evaluated on scientific merit and feasibility, and should focus on one or more of the following activity types:

  1. The development of new methods or techniques that would extend the standard operating procedures and capabilities of RII-managed core facilities and potentially impact multiple UA researchers. Successful projects will result in new methods or techniques which will be disseminated to the UA research community via the core’s website, and be incorporated into the core’s standard operating procedures and capabilities.
  2. The acquisition of preliminary data needed for extramural proposals. Successful projects will result in at least one new extramural research proposal. PIs must note the specific extramural funding opportunity announcement for which they plan to submit and their anticipated submission date along with their CFPP application. A full justification of the anticipated studies is required.
  3. The technical training of students conducting research under existing extramural funding. Successful projects will result in student researchers with the technical skills to operate equipment safely, efficiently and independently within the core facility(ies). PIs should note the student(s) to be trained, the core(s) in which they will be trained, the equipment on which they are to be trained, and the funding source under which the student’s research project is funded. Proposals to train students from traditionally marginalized groups will be given funding priority.

Due date: November 6, 2024 at 5pm

UA Cultivate link:

RII Core Facility Pilot Grants - August 2, 2024 deadline

Date of publication

Description: The RII Core Facilities Pilot Program is designed to support three key types of activity within the RII-managed core facilities. Each CFPP proposal will be evaluated on scientific merit and feasibility, and should focus on one or more of the following activity types:

  1. The development of new methods or techniques that would extend the standard operating procedures and capabilities of RII-managed core facilities and potentially impact multiple UA researchers. Successful projects will result in new methods or techniques which will be disseminated to the UA research community via the core’s website, and be incorporated into the core’s standard operating procedures and capabilities.
  2. The acquisition of preliminary data needed for extramural proposals. Successful projects will result in at least one new extramural research proposal. PIs must note the specific extramural funding opportunity announcement for which they plan to submit and their anticipated submission date along with their CFPP application. A full justification of the anticipated studies is required.
  3. The technical training of students conducting research under existing extramural funding. Successful projects will result in student researchers with the technical skills to operate equipment safely, efficiently and independently within the core facility(ies). PIs should note the student(s) to be trained, the core(s) in which they will be trained, the equipment on which they are to be trained, and the funding source under which the student’s research project is funded. Proposals to train students from traditionally marginalized groups will be given funding priority.

Due date: August 2, 2024 at 5pm

UA Cultivate link:

RII Core Facility Pilot Grants - May 1, 2024 deadline

Date of publication

Description: The RII Core Facilities Pilot Program is designed to support three key types of activity within the RII-managed core facilities. Each CFPP proposal will be evaluated on scientific merit and feasibility, and should focus on one or more of the following activity types:

  1. The development of new methods or techniques that would extend the standard operating procedures and capabilities of RII-managed core facilities and potentially impact multiple UA researchers. Successful projects will result in new methods or techniques which will be disseminated to the UA research community via the core’s website, and be incorporated into the core’s standard operating procedures and capabilities.
  2. The acquisition of preliminary data needed for extramural proposals. Successful projects will result in at least one new extramural research proposal. PIs must note the specific extramural funding opportunity announcement for which they plan to submit and their anticipated submission date along with their CFPP application. A full justification of the anticipated studies is required.
  3. The technical training of students conducting research under existing extramural funding. Successful projects will result in student researchers with the technical skills to operate equipment safely, efficiently and independently within the core facility(ies). PIs should note the student(s) to be trained, the core(s) in which they will be trained, the equipment on which they are to be trained, and the funding source under which the student’s research project is funded. Proposals to train students from traditionally marginalized groups will be given funding priority.

Due date: May 1, 2024 at 5pm
UA Cultivate link:

RII Core Facility Pilot Grants - Feb 7, 2024 deadline

Date of publication

Description: The RII Core Facilities Pilot Program is designed to support three key types of activity within the RII-managed core facilities. Each CFPP proposal will be evaluated on scientific merit and feasibility, and should focus on one or more of the following activity types:

  1. The development of new methods or techniques that would extend the standard operating procedures and capabilities of RII-managed core facilities and potentially impact multiple UA researchers. Successful projects will result in new methods or techniques which will be disseminated to the UA research community via the core’s website, and be incorporated into the core’s standard operating procedures and capabilities.
  2. The acquisition of preliminary data needed for extramural proposals. Successful projects will result in at least one new extramural research proposal. PIs must note the specific extramural funding opportunity announcement for which they plan to submit and their anticipated submission date along with their CFPP application. A full justification of the anticipated studies is required.
  3. The technical training of students conducting research under existing extramural funding. Successful projects will result in student researchers with the technical skills to operate equipment safely, efficiently and independently within the core facility(ies). PIs should note the student(s) to be trained, the core(s) in which they will be trained, the equipment on which they are to be trained, and the funding source under which the student’s research project is funded. Proposals to train students from traditionally marginalized groups will be given funding priority.

Due date: February 7, 2024 at 5pm
UA Cultivate link: 

RII Core Facility Pilot Grants - Nov 1, 2023 deadline

Date of publication

Description: The RII Core Facilities Pilot Program is designed to support three key types of activity within the RII-managed core facilities. Each CFPP proposal will be evaluated on scientific merit and feasibility, and should focus on one or more of the following activity types:

  1. The development of new methods or techniques that would extend the standard operating procedures and capabilities of RII-managed core facilities and potentially impact multiple UA researchers. Successful projects will result in new methods or techniques which will be disseminated to the UA research community via the core’s website, and be incorporated into the core’s standard operating procedures and capabilities.
  2. The acquisition of preliminary data needed for extramural proposals. Successful projects will result in at least one new extramural research proposal. PIs must note the specific extramural funding opportunity announcement for which they plan to submit and their anticipated submission date along with their CFPP application. A full justification of the anticipated studies is required.
  3. The technical training of students conducting research under existing extramural funding. Successful projects will result in student researchers with the technical skills to operate equipment safely, efficiently and independently within the core facility(ies). PIs should note the student(s) to be trained, the core(s) in which they will be trained, the equipment on which they are to be trained, and the funding source under which the student’s research project is funded. Proposals to train students from traditionally marginalized groups will be given funding priority.

Due date: November 1, 2023 at 5pm
UA Cultivate link:

Core Facility Pilot Program (August 3, 2023 deadline)

Date of publication

The RII Core Facilities Pilot Program is designed to support three key types of activity within the RII-managed core facilities. Each CFPP proposal will be evaluated on scientific merit and feasibility, and should focus on one or more of the following activity types:

  1. The development of new methods or techniques that would extend the standard operating procedures and capabilities of RII-managed core facilities and potentially impact multiple UA researchers. 
  2. The acquisition of preliminary data needed for extramural proposals. Successful projects will result in at least one new extramural research proposal. 
  3. The technical training of students conducting research under existing extramural funding. Proposals to train students from traditionally marginalized groups will be given funding priority.

Most awards will be capped at approximately $10,000, although well-justified projects may be awarded funding above this level.

List of eligible facilities:

  1. Analytical and Biological Mass Spectrometry
  2. Flow Cytometry and Human Immune Monitoring Shared Resource (BD LSR, BD, FACSARIA, BD Canto)
  3. Functional Genomics Core
  4. Imaging Cores - Electron
  5. Imaging Cores - Optical
  6. Machining and Welding Center
  7. Micro/Nano Fabrication Center
  8. Translational Bioimaging Resource
  9. University of Arizona Genetics Core
  10. BIO5 Genetically Engineered Mouse Models (GEMM) Core
  11. Arizona Genomics Institute

Proposals are due: AUGUST 2, 2023  | 5:00p 
Full Details

RII Core Facilities Pilot Program - May 3, 2023 Deadline

Date of publication

The RII Core Facilities Pilot Program is designed to support three key types of activity within the RII-managed core facilities. Each CFPP proposal will be evaluated on scientific merit and feasibility, and should focus on one or more of the following activity types:

  1. The development of new methods or techniques that would extend the standard operating procedures and capabilities of RII-managed core facilities and potentially impact multiple UA researchers.
  2. The acquisition of preliminary data needed for extramural proposals. Successful projects will result in at least one new extramural research proposal.
  3. The technical training of students conducting research under existing extramural funding. Proposals to train students from traditionally marginalized groups will be given funding priority.

Most awards will be capped at approximately $10,000, although well-justified projects may be awarded funding above this level. It is required that CFPP proposals and their budgets be developed with the assistance of the relevant core facility manager(s). Proposals are due May 3, 2023 by 5pm. List of eligible facilities:

  1. Analytical and Biological Mass Spectrometry
  2. Flow Cytometry and Human Immune Monitoring Shared Resource (BD LSR, BD, FACSARIA, BD Canto)
  3. Functional Genomics Core
  4. Imaging Cores - Electron
  5. Imaging Cores - Optical
  6. Machining and Welding Center
  7. Micro/Nano Fabrication Center
  8. Translational Bioimaging Resource
  9. University of Arizona Genetics Core
  10. BIO5 Genetically Engineered Mouse Models (GEMM) Core
  11. Arizona Genomics Institute

Application and Full Details

ABMS Policies

The Analytical and Biological Mass Spectrometry (ABMS) Core Facility provides technical service to and collaborative research with investigators of the University of Arizona research community and a number of both academic and for-profit externals researchers.  We strongly encourage all the ABMS Core Facility users to read the following policies carefully before they submit samples.

Policy: User Samples:

Users are required to complete an online sample submission form in iLab and send samples after they approve the iLab quote provided by the ABMS Core Facility staff. Users should choose the two options of sample returning. If YES, the ABMS core facility will contact users to fetch all the unused samples upon completion of analysis. If NO, all samples enter the disposal queue automatically. ABMS Core Facility will dispose of all the samples in the disposal queue on the last workday of each month. A notice will send to users via e-mail 5 days before the disposal.

Policy: User Data:

ABMS Core Facility will share the raw data with users via University of Arizona BOX or iLab upon completion. Please download and back up your data ASAP. ABMS Core Facility is not responsible for any data over three months. Users can contact ABMS for longer data storage services with an additional fee.

Policy: Self-Usage of ABMS Instruments:

Users are responsible for bringing their consumables, solvents, columns, and accessories. Users are also required to order their own N2 Dewar if they reserve the instrument for more than 5 hours continuously. Please remove your supplies such as columns, pre-filters, and samples promptly when you are finished or else they may be discarded at random. ABMS Core Facility is not responsible for backing up your data or method files. You should always back up your data and method files to a removable flash disk on an external hard drive on a regular basis. Before running a sequence, please verify your method details to make sure nothing has been changed, and we strongly recommend reviewing the data of the first couple of samples and then periodically in real-time to ensure the system is performing correctly. Users will be charged for all the instrument time if they encounter any issues caused by user errors. Users are encouraged to run a known test sample to verify system performance before beginning their work for the day.

Policy: Confidentiality:

All data generated through ABMS services will be shared with only the researchers involved in the project.  The data will not be presented without permission from the researchers.

Policy: Conflict Resolution:

If a Core Facility user has an issue with ABMS, the problem will first go to the Director and ABMS Personnel to be resolved.  If the user experiences any problems with the instruments or the sample database or the instrument scheduling calendars, he/she should notify ABMS personnel who will then repair the instrument/database/calendar so that it can be used or, if the problem requires considerable time to fix, manually log in the sample or instrument time for the user.  If payment issues, authorship issues, service quality, or conflict of interest issues arise, the problem will first go to the Core Director to be resolved following Core Facility policies.

Policy: Prioritization of Work:

Preference is given to BIO5/University of Arizona samples and then on a first-come, first-served basis.

Policy: Publication:

Any work performed in or by the ABMS, regardless of payment procured, must be credited to the ABMS.  If the facility provided training on instruments or short analyses, then the ABMS Facility should be credited in the acknowledgment section of the publication.  If significant work done by ABMS personnel and contributed to a publication, such as the development of new analytical methods or significant, intellectual contributions by ABMS becomes necessary for the design of the experiments or the generation and/or evaluation of the data then the ABMS personnel on the project should be included in the authorship.

Appropriate acknowledgment of the funding source, such as a grant number, of an instrument used in the published research is required.

