RII Core Facility Pilot Grants - Feb 5, 2025 deadline

Date of publication

Description: The RII Core Facilities Pilot Program is designed to support three key types of activity within the RII-managed core facilities. Each CFPP proposal will be evaluated on scientific merit and feasibility, and should focus on one or more of the following activity types:

  1. The development of new methods or techniques that would extend the standard operating procedures and capabilities of RII-managed core facilities and potentially impact multiple UA researchers. Successful projects will result in new methods or techniques which will be disseminated to the UA research community via the core’s website, and be incorporated into the core’s standard operating procedures and capabilities.
  2. The acquisition of preliminary data needed for extramural proposals. Successful projects will result in at least one new extramural research proposal. PIs must note the specific extramural funding opportunity announcement for which they plan to submit and their anticipated submission date along with their CFPP application. A full justification of the anticipated studies is required.
  3. The technical training of students conducting research under existing extramural funding. Successful projects will result in student researchers with the technical skills to operate equipment safely, efficiently and independently within the core facility(ies). PIs should note the student(s) to be trained, the core(s) in which they will be trained, the equipment on which they are to be trained, and the funding source under which the student’s research project is funded. Proposals to train students from traditionally marginalized groups will be given funding priority.

Due date: February 5, 2025 at 5pm
To apply, see UA Cultivate

ELISA Testing

Specializing in genetic and serological (ELISA) technologies, Arizona Molecular Clinical Core (AZClinCore) facilitates clinical trial and clinical research activities for physicians, researchers and industry clients. The AZClinCore has aided numerous industry and research partners to:

  • Conduct clinical research
  • Develop novel clinical testing services
  • Process specimens for clinical trials
  • Provide new technology and platform evaluations in a CAP/CLIA environment

AZClinCore's services are scalable; from processing a few specimens to hundreds at a time.

AZClinCore has developed a multitude of COVID-related research ELISA assays including variant-specific quantitative titer and surrogate neutralization assays. With its high-throughput capabilities facilitated with an array of Beckman liquid-handling robots and highly trained clinical technologists, AZClinCore has the capacity to process 5,120 qualitative reactions and 768 quantitative titer reactions per day. For more info, see: COVID-19 ELISA pan-Ig Antibody Test


University of Arizona


Pharmacogenetic Testing

PGx testing (pharmacogenetic analysis) is performed to provide information for clinicians prescribing medication for patients. The University of Arizona Molecular Clinical Core (AZClinCore) pharmacogenetics panel targets 61 variable sites within 18 different genes involved with drug metabolism and transport pathways. DNA is isolated from a patient cheek swab and genomic regions containing the various polymorphic sites are amplified and subsequently tested using the Agena MassArray™ platform. The allelic status of each site is then recorded and results are converted into a patient haplotype profile. These haplotype profiles can be used to assess the metabolic status of known drug classes and specific medications for each individual patient

See details on the Arizona Molecular Clinical Core website: https://azclincore.arizona.edu/clinical-testing/pharmacogenetics

Pharmacogenetic testing

Chimerism testing for engraftment analysis

Chimerism testing (engraftment analysis) is performed for patients who have received a hematopoietic stem cell transplant. The test involves identifying the genetic profiles of the recipient and the donor and then evaluating the extent of mixture in the recipient’s blood or bone marrow. First, DNA is isolated from the recipient and potential donor before the transplant and analysis is performed to determine whether the genetic markers unique to the donor and the recipient have sufficient power to distinguish the donor from the recipient. Next, after the transplant takes place, the performance of the transplant engraftment is assessed by evaluating the donor versus recipient contribution of white blood cells in post-transplant blood or bone marrow specimens obtained from the recipient.

See testing details on the AZClinCore Website: https://azclincore.arizona.edu/clinical-testing/chimerism

Blood Cells