Specializing in genetic and serological (ELISA) technologies, Arizona Molecular Clinical Core (AZClinCore) facilitates clinical trial and clinical research activities for physicians, researchers and industry clients. The AZClinCore has aided numerous industry and research partners to:
- Conduct clinical research
- Develop novel clinical testing services
- Process specimens for clinical trials
- Provide new technology and platform evaluations in a CAP/CLIA environment
AZClinCore's services are scalable; from processing a few specimens to hundreds at a time.
AZClinCore has developed a multitude of COVID-related research ELISA assays including variant-specific quantitative titer and surrogate neutralization assays. With its high-throughput capabilities facilitated with an array of Beckman liquid-handling robots and highly trained clinical technologists, AZClinCore has the capacity to process 5,120 qualitative reactions and 768 quantitative titer reactions per day. For more info, see: COVID-19 ELISA pan-Ig Antibody Test

University of Arizona