Nanostring nCounter Gene Expression Analysis
AZCG offers gene expression services using the NanoString nCounter® Analysis System. This system uses molecular "barcodes" and single-molecule imaging to profile up to 800 mRNAs, microRNAs targets simultaneously with high sensitivity and precision, without any reverse transcription or amplification.
General Information
Sample Input
Gene Expression, miRNA and miRGE Assasys:
• 100ng purified total RNA or 300ng degraded
AZGC offers a variety of extraction services for most sample types, please inquire for details and pricing.
Expected Results
Gene Expression
Limit of Detection:
• 0.5fM spike-in control (~1 copy per cell); 90% of the time
Fold-change Sensitivity:
• >1.5 fold (>5 copies per cell)
• >2 fold change (>1 copy per cell)
miRNA Assay
Limit of Detection:
• ≤ 0.5fM (~10 copies per cell)
Fold-change Sensitivity:
• > 2 fold change
Sample Preparation Details
Varies, please inquire.
A variety of pre-designed panels are available for off-the-shelf use. Each cartridge can run up to 12 samples, and most panel kits are sold with chemistry for 12, 24, 48 or 96 samples (Custom Panels start at 48 samples). For a complete list of the number of samples and specific genes covered by each panel, please visit the following links: Nanostring website.
Custom CodeSets
For ultimate flexibility, you can work with NanoString directly (consultation is free of charge) to design a custom Gene Expression or Copy Number Variation code set tailored exactly to your research needs. This is especially useful for organisms that don't already have pre-built panels, hard-to-target sequences, and splice variation and fusion transcript detection. The custom CodeSet design process begins by selecting a list of targets and submitting them to NanoString. Once the design is approved by you, their Manufacturing Group will assemble your CodeSet, perform extensive quality control testing, and ship all components directly to AZGC for processing. Custom CodeSet pricing is matrix based, with the price per data point declining with increasing numbers of genes and numbers of samples assayed.
Academic (UA): $575.00 | Academic(non-UA): $690.00 | Industry: $862.50 | Unit: Cartridge
Note- Cost per Cartridge does not include QC, additional labor or NanoString Code Sets. Reagents must be purchased separately. Please inquire for more details.
Turnaround Time
Depends on assay type and sample quantity, please inquire.
Related Services
Sample Prep and QC