Billing Address
RII Core Facilities
University of Arizona
PO BOX 210240
Tucson, AZ 85721
RII Core Facilities
University of Arizona
PO BOX 210240
Tucson, AZ 85721
Taqman SNP Genotyping is a robust and economical method to type a small number of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, SNPs across a study population. This is appropriate for a few samples or several thousand.
Genomic DNA - Normalized to 5ng/µL
Users must provide their own SNP assays or we can order the assay and bill assay supplies to your project. AZGC does not stock Taqman Assays.
Results table listing the sample genotype detected at each polymorphic site.
Sample input is gDNA normalized to 5ng/µL. We can receive your samples in 1.5-2.0mL tubes but we prefer 96-well plates. Samples which do not meet our input requirements will be subject to additional handling fees. Please contact our lab if you have questions about sample preparation.
Academic (UA) $5.00 | Academic (non-UA): $6.00 | Industry: $7.50
Unit: Sample well
Contact AZGC to discuss your specific assay reagents.
Varies per project
DNA Extraction, Quantification, Normalization
AZGC offers a 'Quick and Easy' DNA extraction as a low-cost option for certain sample types.
We provide you bar-coded tubes with buffer, add your sample and return to AZGC
Genomic DNA suitable for downstream testing in transgenic mouse assays or other robust screening assays.
For mouse genotyping add 2-4mm of tail tip tissue directly to the buffer in the provided tubes. Seal tightly and return to AZGC.
How to get started with your sample submission:
Log into iLab Operations Software and from AZGC's core page click Request Services
Video tutorial for iLab submission
*We will review your project request and select an extraction method prior to sample processing
Samples are taken directly from cell lysis to PCR saving time and resources.
Academic (UA) $2.25 | Academic (non-UA): $2.70 | Industry: $3.38| Unit: Sample
2 business days- does not include downstream genotyping
This method forgoes certain quantification and purification steps when unnecessary for downstream processing.
AZGC offers a variety of Illumina NextSeq 550 supported applications including Shotgun/de novo sequencing, RNAseq, Exome sequencing, Small RNA profiling as well as other custom NGS pipelines.
DNA or RNA from a variety of sample types can be run on Illumina NextSeq 500 including cells, tissue, and blood. We also offer DNA or RNA extraction for library prep.
Applications include:
Data Delivery:
Data is now returned via BaseSpace Sequence Hub. This platform offers storage and data analysis tools. Register for an account once your sequencing order is complete.
Inquire at for quote
DNA sample requirements (if not submitting tissue, cells, etc. for extraction):
RNA sample requirements:
Complete the Request a Quote form and we will contact you to discuss your project workflow.
Quality Control of Samples: Every sample received for sequencing will go through a set of quality control checks before it can be processed. Customers may be asked for more DNA/RNA if their sample fails either of the following checkpoints:
Cluster Generation: Cluster generation requires 10nM post library construction concentration
Sequencing Chemistry: AZGC uses Illumina NextSeq 2-channel SBS chemistry
Library Preparation/Construction: AZGC uses a variety of DNA/RNA library construction kits
*Note: Per Illumina recommendations we cannot run libraries that are more than 6 months old. Therefore, your library material will be disposed of 3 months after they are built in accordance with our SOPS.
Data Analysis: Supplementary data analysis will incur additional labor rates. Please contact AZGC to discuss further data analysis needs.
Academic (UA): $300.00 | Academic(non-UA): $360.00 | Industry: $450.00 | Unit: Per Machine Run
Note- Flow cells are priced separately. Contact AZGC for a quote including Library prep, Sequencing and data analysis.
Average turnaround time will vary depending upon application and sample input.
Average data turnaround time for most NGS projects is approx. 6-8 weeks.
The AZGC operates on a first-come, first-serve entry into sample queue.
RNA Extraction and analysis (Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100)
Sanger DNA sequencing for validation of NGS data
If there is a specific application you are interested in on the NextSeq550 but do not see listed here, please contact us to see if we can accommodate your needs.
University Customers: We are located in Keating Building Room 106. Samples may be left in the freezer at the north entrance to our lab. Samples should be clearly labeled "Illumina" along with your iLab Service ID.
External Customers: Samples should be shipped pre-frozen and preferably on dry ice (although regular ice packs work well enough for overnight shipping). Sample tubes should be sealed with parafilm.
Shipping Address:
Arizona Genetics Core
ATTN: Illumina NGS
1657 E. Helen St.
Keating Building, Rm 106
Tucson, AZ 85721
AZGC offers Illumina MiSeq supported applications including DNASeq, RNAseq, targeted gene sequencing, Metagenomics (16S/custom), small genome sequencing, amplicon sequencing and other NGS pipelines.
DNA or RNA from a variety of sample types can be run on Illumina MiSeq including cells, tissue, and blood. We also offer DNA or RNA extraction for library prep.
Applications include:
Expected Results: Select from Version 2 (v2) or Version 3 (v3)
Data Delivery:
Data is now returned via BaseSpace Sequence Hub. This platform offers storage and data analysis tools. Register for an account once your sequencing order is complete.
DNA Sample Requirements (if not submitting tissue, cells, etc. for extraction):
RNA Sample Requirements:
Complete the Request a Quote form and we will contact you to discuss your project workflow.
Quality Control of Samples: Every sample received for sequencing will go through a set of quality control checks before it can be processed. Customers may be asked for more DNA/RNA if their sample fails either of the following checkpoints:
*Note: Per Illumina recommendations we cannot run libraries that are more than 6 months old. Therefore, your library material will be disposed of 6 months after they are built in accordance with our SOPs.
Data Analysis: Supplementary data analysis will incur additional labor rates. Please contact AZGC to discuss further data analysis needs.
Academic (UA): $300.00 | Academic (non-UA): $360.00 | Industry: $450.00 | Unit: Per Machine Run
Note- Flow cells are priced separately. Contact AZGC for a quote including library prep, sequencing and data analysis services.
Average turnaround time will vary depending upon the application and sample input. Average data turnaround time for most NGS projects is approximately 6-8 weeks. The AZGC operates on a first come, first serve entry into sample queue.
High Recovery DNA Extraction, RNA Extraction and QC (Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100), Sanger DNA sequencing for validation of NGS data
If there is a specific application you are interested in on the Illumina MiSeq but do not see listed here, please contact us to see if we can accommodate your needs.
University Customers: We are located in Keating Building Rm 106. Samples may be left in the freezer at the north entrance to our lab. Samples should be clearly labeled "Illumina" along with your contact information and billing account.
External Customers: Samples should be shipped pre-frozen and preferably on dry ice (although regular ice packs work well enough for overnight shipping). Sample tubes should be sealed with parafilm.
Shipping Address:
Arizona Genetics Core
ATTN: Illumina NGS
1657 E. Helen Street
Keating Building, Rm 106
Tucson, AZ 85721
AZGC offers purification of 96-well PCR products using EdgeBioSystems ExcelaPure PCR purification blocks. ExcelaPure 96-well UFC plates contain an optimized ultrafiltration membrane for high recovery of your PCR products.
To use this service, submit your templates in a 96-well reaction plate.
PCR product free from excess primers, dimers, DNTPs and salts which can interfere with DNA Sequencing.
To use this service, submit your templates in a 96-well reaction plate.
The samples will need to be brought up to 100µL with molecular grade water.
To use this service as part of your DNA Sequencing workflow, simply check the radio button for "clean up" in the submission form when you submit your plate for High Volume Sequencing in iLab Operations Software.
Excess primers, primer dimers, dNTPs and salts are filtered out under vacuum pressure, while your purified PCR product is retained on the ultrafiltration membrane.
Academic (UA): $80.00 | Academic (non-UA): $96.00 | Industry: $120.00 Unit: 96-well Plate
3 days
DNA Sequencing Quantification and Normalization PCR Products
AZGC offers high quality and fast turnaround fully automated DNA sequencing on multiple Applied Biosystems 3730 DNA Analyzers.
Samples can be submitted for low volume (tubes) or high volume (96-well plates) sequencing.
Accepted sample types include PCR product, plasmid DNA, phage, or BACs, cosmids and single-stranded DNA.
Users of this service can expect up to 600 bases per read.
Data can be downloaded directly from your project in iLab Operations Software.
Please review our Sequencing FAQ to prepare your submission and template DNA according to the guidelines.
Accepted sample types include PCR product, plasmid DNA, phage, or BACs, cosmids and single-stranded DNA.
Provide your own sequencing primer or use our standard universal primers at no extra charge.
Samples should be eluted in (MilliQ) water. Minimum volume required:
8µL of template per reaction
5µL of primer per reaction
Low volume (tube) sequencing should be submitted in 1.5mL snap-cap tubes. Sample and primer must be submitted in separate tubes.
*Note: If you have more than 22 sequencing reactions it will be more cost effective to use the High Volume (plate) sequencing workflow.
High-volume sequencing should be submitted in a 96-well v-bottom plate.
PCR products should be prepared with commercially available PCR cleanup kits and eluted in (MilliQ) water to remove excess primers, nucleotides, and buffers.
Automated sample cleanup, quantification, and normalization service is available for High-volume (96-well plate) sequencing submissions - simply select these options in your iLab project request.
Log into the AZGC's iLab landing page and select Request Services.
Video tutorial for High Volume Sequencing Request
*Drop off your sequencing submission in the freezer outside Keating 106, in Life Sciences South Rm 205, or by send to
AZGC Attn: Sequencing
1657 E Helen St Rm 106
Tucson AZ 85721
Users of this service can expect 600 bases or greater per read.
View our Sequencing FAQ page for tips about what can cause messy or degraded sequence data.
Low Volume Single Tube Sequencing-
Academic (UA): $6.25 | Academic (non-UA): $7.50 | Industry: $9.38 | Unit: Reaction
High Volume 96-well Plate Sequencing-
Academic (UA): $195.00 | Academic (non-UA): $234.00 | Industry: $295.50 | Unit: 96-Well Plate
2-3 working days
Please visit our Pricing page
PCR Clean Up and Quantification (available for whole plate only) for High-Volume Sequencing.
If you are submitting more than 29 samples (or 29 total reactions) it will be cost effective to order High Volume Plate Sequencing. If you have fewer than 29 reactions it will be more cost effective to submit these as separate tubes for Low Volume Sequencing.
AZGC provides a variety of DNA extraction services to fit any project or budget.
We can provide researchers with bar-coded collection tubes. Sample submissions will be uploaded directly through iLab Operations Software.
PCR-ready genomic DNA can either be processed at AZGC or returned in plates or tubes to the researcher.
Our Extraction Services include:
• High-throughput DNA Extraction
• High-recovery DNA Extraction
• Quick and Easy DNA Extraction
• RNA Extraction
(Information taken from patent information: US Patent 6,204,375)
AZGC offers ribotyping via capillary electrophoresis. The primers and protocol we use is per the protocol described by
Indra A, Huhulescu S, Schneeweis M, Hasenberger P, Kernbichler S, Fiedler A, Wewalka G, Allerberger F, Kuijper E. J. Med. Microbiol. 57(11):1377-1382 doi:10.1099/jmm.0.47714-0
AZGC offers spatial transcriptomics powered by the 10X Visium Assay. Slides with pre-set capture areas (6.5mm x 6.5mm) each containing 5000 barcoded spots allows for near single cell whole transcriptome analysis. This workflow allows to analyze gene expression of cells with the context of the tissue morphology.
Image Credit: 10X Genomics
10x Visium - Spatial Gene Expression
Together with the Microscopy core, we provide full service, imaging and spatial gene expression workflow and sequencing. For more details about 10x Genomics Visium Spatial Gene Expression see:
Note- For a new tissue types, a tissue optimization must be performed prior to testing your sample materials. AZGC can assist with the planning of your experiment.
Please contact: AZGC ( in order to discuss & plan for Visium Spatial Gene Expression projects.