Arizona Genetics Core


Synergy HT plate reader

The BioTek Synergy HT instrument empowers 96-well plate DNA and RNA fluorometric quantification. This service is available as a standalone QC or as part of a sample processing workflow.


Synergy HT Instrument with computer screen

ThermoFisher KingFisher Flex

AZGC operates the Kingfisher Flex Automated Extraction Platform. This instrument uses magnetic bead chemistry to isolate and purify DNA or RNA from a variety of input materials. Typical extractions are performed in a 96-well plate for maximum processing throughput. Select sample types including whole blood may benefit from a 24-well plate isolation, which can accommodate a higher input sample volume. Contact AZGC today to discuss your sample isolation requirements.

Downstream QC recommendations include a fluorometric sample quantification as well as a quality analysis.

Isolated DNA or RNA can be returned to researchers in plates or tubes or retained at AZGC for subsequent testing protocols.

Samples and materials are only stored at AZGC for 3 months following the completion of service. Materials not requested for return will be disposed of in keeping with our SOPs 90 days after service is complete.


Automated DNA Extraction Robot

Real Time PCR

Arizona Genetics Core offers 3 Cyclers for Quantitative or Real Time PCR. After a brief training, local users can schedule time on the instrument and run their own samples. Real Time PCR is also utilized as one of the platforms in our genotyping services.

General Information

Sample Input

Users provide their own consumables when using the instruments.

Expected Results

Real Time PCR provides a quantitative assessment of your sample for gene expression, gene transcription studies or targeted nucleic acids.


Sample Preparation Details

For a database of optimized Real-time PCR primers please click on the following link:


Local users may browse our instruments available to schedule. To schedule an instrument, please use our iLab resource scheduler

  • ABI7300 (LSS or Keating Building)
  • ABI7900: Accommodates 384 well plates (Keating Building)


Schedule time on an instrument-

Academic (UA): $27.00 | Academic (non-UA): $32.40| Industry: $40.50  Unit: Per Hour- Unassisted use

SNP Genotyping- Service-

Academic (UA): $5.00 | Academic (non-UA): $6.00 | Industry: $7.50 Unit: Per reaction*

Gene Expression- Service-

Academic (UA): $5.00 | Academic (non-UA): $6.00 | Industry: $7.50 Unit: Per reaction*

*Note: Assays will be billed to the researcher. Contact Arizona Genetics Core prior to your submission to discuss the ordering of assay reagents.

Turnaround Time

Varies by project

Related Services

DNA Extraction
RNA Extraction
Taqman SNP Genotyping

Additional Information

Users will assume the cost (in-whole) of assay-specific consumables. Arizona Genetics Core is happy to order the materials from our preferred manufacturer at the most appropriate scale for your project.

