Taqman SNP Genotyping is a robust and economical method to type a small number of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, SNPs across a study population. This is appropriate for a few samples or several thousand.
General Information
Sample Input
Genomic DNA - Normalized to 5ng/µL
Users must provide their own SNP assays or we can order the assay and bill assay supplies to your project. AZGC does not stock Taqman Assays.
Expected Results
Results table listing the sample genotype detected at each polymorphic site.
Sample Preparation Details
Sample input is gDNA normalized to 5ng/µL. We can receive your samples in 1.5-2.0mL tubes but we prefer 96-well plates. Samples which do not meet our input requirements will be subject to additional handling fees. Please contact our lab if you have questions about sample preparation.
Academic (UA) $5.00 | Academic (non-UA): $6.00 | Industry: $7.50
Unit: Sample well
Contact AZGC to discuss your specific assay reagents.
Turnaround Time
Varies per project
Related Services
DNA Extraction, Quantification, Normalization