AZGC offers high quality and fast turnaround fully automated DNA sequencing on multiple Applied Biosystems 3730 DNA Analyzers.
General Information
Sample Input
Samples can be submitted for low volume (tubes) or high volume (96-well plates) sequencing.
Accepted sample types include PCR product, plasmid DNA, phage, or BACs, cosmids and single-stranded DNA.
Expected Results
Users of this service can expect up to 600 bases of high quality Phred scores per read.
Data can be downloaded directly from your project in iLab Operations Software.
Sample Preparation Details
Please review our Sequencing FAQ to prepare your submission and template DNA according to the guidelines.
Accepted sample types include PCR product, plasmid DNA, phage, or BACs, cosmids and single-stranded DNA.
Provide your own sequencing primer or use our standard universal primers at no extra charge.
Samples should be eluted in (MilliQ) water. Minimum volume required:
8µL of template per reaction
5µL of primer per reaction
Low Volume (tube) sequencing should be submitted in 1.5mL snap-cap tubes. Sample and primer must be submitted in separate tubes.
*Note: If you have more than 29 sequencing reactions it will be more cost effective to use the High Volume (plate) sequencing workflow.
High Volume sequencing should be submitted in a 96-well v-bottom plate.
PCR products should be prepared with commercially available PCR cleanup kits and eluted in (MilliQ) water to remove excess primers, nucleotides, and buffers.
Automated sample cleanup, quantification, and normalization service is available for High-volume (96-well plate) sequencing submissions - simply select these options in your iLab project request.
Log into the AZGC's iLab landing page and select Request Services.
Video tutorial for High Volume Sequencing Request
*Drop off your sequencing submission in the freezer outside Keating 106, in Life Sciences South Rm 205 or by sending to
AZGC Attn: Sequencing 1657 E Helen St Rm 106 Tucson AZ 85721Users of this service can expect 600 bases or greater of high quality Phred scores per read.
View our Sequencing FAQ page for tips about what can cause messy or degraded sequence data.
Low Volume Single Tube Sequencing-
Academic (UA): $6.25 | Academic (non-UA): $7.50 | Industry: $9.38 | Unit: Reaction
High Volume 96-well Plate Sequencing-
Academic (UA): $195.00 | Academic (non-UA): $234.00 | Industry: $292.50 | Unit: 96-Well Plate
Turnaround Time
2-3 working days
Related Services
Please visit our Pricing page
PCR Clean Up and Quantification (available for whole plate only) for High-Volume Sequencing.
Additional Information
If you are submitting more than 30 samples (or 30 total reactions) it will be cost-effective to order High Volume Plate Sequencing. If you have fewer than 29 reactions it will be more cost-effective to submit these as separate tubes for Low Volume Sequencing.