Fragment Analysis
Arizona Genetics Core offers Fragment Analysis services with our two ABI3730 DNA Analyzers. The 3730 uses capillary electrophoresis to separate fluorescently labeled DNA fragments.
General Information
Sample Input
Fluorescently labeled DNA fragments (i.e. labeled PCR Products)
Samples can be submitted in 4-Dye or 5-Dye format, simply upload your sample information in iLab Service Request Form
Expected Results
Data is returned in .fsa file format ready for analysis with Applied Biosystems GeneMapper or compatible software. Applications of fragment analysis include Microsatellite Analysis, Genotyping and Mutation Detection.
Sample Preparation Details
Samples should be submitted in strip tubes or 96-well v-bottom plates in column format and will be run at a dilution specified by the customer- default is 1:50.
Compatible dye sets:
4-Dye: FAM, HEX, NED (internal Size-Standard ROX)
5-Dye: FAM, VIC, NED, PET (internal Size-Standard Liz)
Log into iLab operations software and select Request Services
Video Tutorial for Fragment Analysis request
AZGC uses an internal Size Standard - GS500LIZ or GS500ROX and conducts Post Processing and QC steps prior to release of data.
Data is returned to the user's iLab Project as a zipped folder
Academic (UA): $1.75 | Academic (non-UA): $2.10| Industry: $2.63
Unit: Sample
Turnaround Time
2 business days. Please note cut-off time for sample receipt is 2pm. Otherwise, they will be added to the next day's queue.
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Additional Information
Reactions may be pooled to facilitate multiplexing.