The Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100 offers quick and convenient sizing and quantification analysis for DNA or RNA.
General Information
Sample Input
Agilent High Sensitivity DNA Kit: 11 samples/chip, ≥2µL of each sample prepared in deionized water in .2mL strip-tubes.
Agilent RNA 6000 Pico Kit: 11 samples/chip, ≥2µL of each sample prepared in deionized water in .2mL strip-tubes.
Agilent RNA 6000 Nano Kit: 12 samples/chip, ≥2µL of each sample prepared in deionized water in .2mL strip-tubes.
Expected Results
High Sensitivity DNA Chip: DNA Concentration 5-500pg/µL, DNA sizing 50-7000 bp
RNA 6000 Pico Chip: RNA Concentration Qualitative metrics: RNA Integrity Number (RIN)
Quantitative range = 50-5000pg/µL (Total RNA Assay), 250-5000pg/µL (mRNA Assay)
RNA 6000 Nano Chip: RNA Concentration Qualitative metrics: RNA Integrity Number (RIN)
Quantitative range: 25-500ng/µL (Total RNA Assay), 25-250ng/µL (mRNA Assay)
Sample Preparation Details
AZGC offers analysis with the following chips:
High Sensitivity DNA Chip: For the separation, sizing and quantification of low concentrated dsDNA samples from 50-7000 bp. Your samples should be diluted to 5-500pg/µL, despite what it says on the website. Smaller concentrations may not show up on the chip.
RNA 6000 Pico Chip: Each chip can accommodate 11 samples and uses 2µL of each sample. Prepare your samples in RNase free water. RNA must be submitted in 0.2mL tubes at no greater than 5µL volume. Total RNA in each sample must be between 200-500pg/µL and mRNA concentration must be between 500-5000pg/µL. If your sample is more concentrated please dilute with RNAse free water. This process will render the RNA unusable for downstream applications- please provide only the volume required for this QC.
RNA 6000 Nano Chip: Each chip can accommodate 12 samples and uses 2µL of each sample. Prepare your samples in RNase free water. RNA must be submitted in 0.2mL tubes at no greater than 5µL volume.
Total RNA in each sample must be between 5-500ng/µL and mRNA concentration must be between 25-250ng/µL. If your sample is more concentrated please dilute with RNase free water. This process will render the RNA unusable for downstream applications- please provide only the volume required for this QC.
Learn more information on each chip's specifications
Quantification with the Nanodrop instrument can be very inaccurate. Qubit results are generally much more accurate.
If you are submitting RNA, it is recommended that you deliver your samples to the AZGC drop-off freezer inside Keating Rm 106D, please do not submit RNA to the drop-off freezer in LSS.
To submit your samples please log into iLab Operations Software and select Request Services. You should receive results within 2 business days of sample receipt by AZGC.
Academic (UA): $90.00 | Academic (non-UA): $108.00 | Industry: $135.00 Unit:Chip
*Note DNA High Sensitivity Chips are subject to a $25 supplemental reagent fee
Turnaround Time
This workflow takes approximately 1 hour per chip. Turnaround time on Bioanalyzer submissions is within 2 days of samples being physically received by AZGC.
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Additional Information
The Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer uses chips that are designed for DNA and RNA analysis. The chips are composed of microchannels that separate the nucleic acid fragments by size as they are electrophoretically moved through the gel matrix.
RNA Chips- This process will render the RNA unusable for downstream applications- please provide only the volume required for this QC.