News & Events
Introducing the Zeiss Axio Observer 7 inverted microscope with Apotome III The RII Imaging Cores - Optical has added a new instrument, the Zeiss Axio Observer 7 inverted microscope with Apotome III. For more information on labs that might benefit from this instrument, see… |
RII Core Facility Pilot Grants - Nov 1, 2023 deadline Description: The RII Core Facilities Pilot Program is designed to support three key types of activity within the RII-managed core facilities. Each CFPP proposal will be evaluated on… |
OMERO (image data management server software) hands-on workshop - August 2023 OMERO is open-source software that the UA has recently made available which can help campus research labs with image data management. To assist interested users in getting started with OMERO a two-… |
Core Facility Pilot Program (August 3, 2023 deadline) The RII Core Facilities Pilot Program is designed to support three key types of activity within the RII-managed core facilities. Each CFPP proposal will be evaluated on scientific merit and… |
TBIR to add state-of-the-art 3T MRI in the fall of 2023 "The National Institutes of Health has awarded University of Arizona researchers a $2 million High-End Instrumentation grant to help purchase an advanced 3Tesla MRI instrument for studying the human… |
Microscopy & Microanalysis Meeting 2023. Minneapolis, MN – July 23-27. Sponsored by the Microscopy Society of America and the Microbeam Analysis Society and co-sponsored by the International Metallographic Society. |
RII Core Facilities Pilot Program - May 3, 2023 Deadline The RII Core Facilities Pilot Program is designed to support three key types of activity within the RII-managed core facilities. Each CFPP proposal will be evaluated on scientific merit and… |
Monitoring the immune system to unlock new treatments "As researchers work to harness the power of the immune system to fight conditions such as cancer and to understand how to control autoimmune diseases including diabetes, many labs can benefit… |
Congratulations to Patty Jansma for her 2023 MSA award! Patty Jansma, MS has been named the winner of the 2023 Hildegard H. Crowley Award, given by the Microscopy Society of America. The awards ceremony will be at the annual MSA meeting being… |
Discover BIO5 March 8th 2023 The DISCOVER BIO5 event series is designed to showcase the innovative bioscience research happening at the University of Arizona, and to share the inspiring ways we are preparing our next generation… |
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